We're still on our holidays (I'm just dropping this in by e-mail) but we've managed to visit Looe a few times now, getting improved knowledge of the town as well as practical things like job-hunting.
To be honest, the more real it's become the more I've worried. It's very close now, just over two weeks, and we have neither home nor job. It could be extremely worrying (and is at times) but I'm clinging on to the fact that God is preparing a place.
Two verses have come up that have just encouraged me greatly: Firstly
Luke 11:11 and also
Matthew 5:14-16. God loves us and we have a task to perform, is there anything else to it than that?
Yours in the battle,
22 days left until the big move! Tomorrow we go down that way on holiday - the holiday was long planned, but little did we know it would come at such a fortuitous time.
We're camping near St. Austell (as this is where we were originally looking) and will be joined part of the week by our respected friends who no doubt will help us to prepare spiritually for the whole thing. So our nice relaxing holiday has turned into job-hunting and house hunting. Still, I can't think of anywhere nicer to be doing it than Looe!
Was looking over my e-mails in relation to our little mission and realised that we first felt this calling before we were married last year. We tried to explore it, but felt it was just too big and scary to do straight after we were married - I wonder how things would've been if we'd gone then? It's also amazing how in the busy-ness of life we managed to sort of forget it for 6 months!! Incredibly, the St. Martins came up then - how was is so surprising when it came up later?
One last thing: Today's verse of the day was Philippians 2:3-4 (naughty, it's 2 verses!) which says: "Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others. " It fits very well with our intentions, a good bit of encouragement!
one last thing, whilst doing one of my many google searches for Looe, came across Looe.org on which was the following advertisement:
Finding the Lord where potatoes once were stored
If your idea of a church congregation is a faithful few of advancing years then you've clearly not heard about the Grace Community Church, an independent Evangelical church, which meets in a converted farmhouse and potato barn at Morval near Looe and regularly has around 200 worshippers each Sunday and has recently opened two new churches in Bodmin and Torpoint. Interested? More information on the church and its service times may be found on www.graceccmorval.co.uk
We'll hopefully be making contact with them (along with any other Churches in the area), so expect some updates on that!
Don't expect many posts of the next week or so whilst we're away. I'm sure there'll be a big update the day after we come back!!
Yours in the Battle,
Greetings all!
I thought it was about time that I started a blog for our little adventure! In these last few weeks of preparation we'll keep you updated on the plans and then once we land we'll start updating you on our progress. A little bit of accountability is always a good thing!!
So, where are we at? What's the vision, what's our status at T-23 days?
We're moving to Cornwall following a specifc calling from God to go there and light a bit of a fire old Army style! Once we get there we're just going to follow Jesus' final command, our
Commission: to "go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I [Jesus] have commanded you."
We don't really know a lot about starting a Church, but then neither did the disciples. They just went and told people about Jesus. The Holy Spirit built the Church!
So we're going to be preaching (in some form) and connecting ourselves into the Community; we'll be doing and being Church in new ways; we'll be supporting people practically as well as spiritually; we'll be tackling demons, witchcraft and Freemasonry.
So that's the vision and the mission, what's our status? At the moment we have no home or jobs, yet we are go for launch, preparing to move out and set up camp (probably literally) in Looe.
Why Looe?
Good question! You know what, we don't know yet. We just believe very strongly that this is the place that God wants us to start this. We think there may be some significance to St. Martins Road, but I guess we'll explore that as time goes by!
You're prayers are greatly appreciated!
Yours in the battle,