Emergency at T-4
Prayer Needed Urgently!

As if to confirm that we are definitely stepping onto the right patch, the devil has hit us hard - not so hard that we will be put off, though!

As you may recall, we are about to move out of our existing home but don't yet have a home to go to. We were planning on living in Lucy's Dad's camper for a couple of weeks whilst we sorted out accommodation.

Unfortunately as I drove it home from work yesterday a small fire erupted on the leads coming from the leisure battery under my seat!

Luckily my brain kept working and I soon had a fire extinguisher working on the fire. The fire brigade were called and managed to extinguish the fire completely and be happy the vehicle was safe. Since the motor battery was not affected, we thought it may be safe to drive home. Just to be safe a fireman started the engine and immediately smoked poured forth from every gap imaginable.

The fire brigade then set about putting out the second battery fire and disconnected the main battery.

Eventually, after a wait, the breakdown people took me home.

So, although the camper isn't burnt out (praise God!!), we are without transport and home.

We're praying "Jehovah Jireh" prophetically and praise-fully (not that it's even a word). We trust that God will provide for us! Please pray that He will perform miracles with the insurance company and get stuff sorted quickly!!
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  • About us

    Dave and Lucy are a young Christian couple from a Salvation Army background who are leaving everything in Reading to follow God's call to Cornwall.

    Our mission is to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ (see the4points.com) and tackle some spiritual warfare!

    To push back the darkness and claim the land for God
    To Save Souls, Grow Saints, Train Warriors and serve suffering humanity.